Wednesday 7 March 2012

U11/ U12 Notes

Training continues every Sunday 12.15pm – 1.15pm. (Please bring Shin
Guards/ DRINK to every training session)
U12 Blitzes are
31st March
14th April
28th April
Both U11 and U12 leagues will start in May and run through the summer months.
All Matches at U11/ U12 are GO-Game rules (same as normal rules, only
no kicking and no soloing – max 11 players a side)
At U12 and up – Club Skorts are compulsory, so if you do not have one,
please talk to John McAvoy during training next Sunday. (He will be by
the Club Container at 12.15 – 1.15pm)
Bag packing
We are Bag packing in Quish's Super Valu on 17th March.
Thank you in advance for your support.......